About Orion

        Orion was the son of Poseidon, the mighty god of the sea. He had two brothers named Otus and Ephialtes. He and his brothers were around 60 feet tall! But, unlike his brothers, Orion didnt' revolt against Zeus. When his brothers revolted, they were defeated and thrown into Tartarus, the deep pit under the Earth. They were tied back to back with snakes. Orion was more into hunting.

        Orion loved hunting. He hunted day and night. He killed boars, wolves, and many other types of wild animals. He never forgot to worship Artemis, the Goddess of hunting, and he was very humble about his great skills. As for weapons, he used a sword, a club, and a round shield. He had the ability to walk on water, so he walked from island to island to find new places and new animals to hunt. Orion never got married, but he was once promised a princess. But the father changed his mind and escaped with his daughter.

       Sadly, Orion died. Apollo was jealous that Artemis liked to  hunt with him, and he sent a giant scorpian to kill him. After the scorpian killed him, his constallation was hung in the sky so that the great hunter would never be forgotten.

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