About Artemis

       Artemis is the Greek Goddess of hunting. Her father is Zeus, King of the Gods. She doesn't like to be around any men exept for Apollo, her twin brother, and Orion, who was a great hunter but was killed by Apollo. Artemis' mother is Leto. Artemis was born on the island of Delos, now a thriving Greek Island. She spends her time hunting with her nymphs.

       Artemis owned a silver bow and arrows that she got from her father, Zeus. Whatever was shot by one would die a painless death. Artemis was very protective of her mother. When a queen named Niobe thought that people should woship her instead of Leto because Leto has two children and Niobe has 14, Artemis and her twin brother Apollo were furious. Artemis killed the seven girls and Apollo killed the seven boys. Niobe weeped for days until the gods pittied her and changed her into a rock.

        Artemis still hunts in the woods of Greece and is one of the 12 great Olympian Gods and Goddesses. She hasn't married and probably never will. She sits on a golden thrown on Mt. Olmpus next to her brother, father, half-brothers, half-sisters, aunts, and uncles.

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